The Pub Doors are Open!

2 min readSep 29, 2020

-- launched successfully three days ago. The development team launched Pub with as fair a methodology as we knew how: zero developer premine, zero developer tax on minting rewards, and we pre-announced the launch with 12 hours of prestaking to avoid a ninja’launch and a dev insta’mine.

There are hundreds of coins in defi with presales, developer premines, or dev rewards–you trade them, we trade them, and sure they have their place in the ecosystem. But here at Pub we wanted to try something different. We wanted to fair launch a defi coin and then hand it over to the community to build something really cool together. We don’t want your money, we want your collaboration.

Welcome to Pub! It’s yours.

Due to launching with zero premine, PUB launched with zero liquidity, zero TVL, zero marketcap, and zero trade volume. Since that time Pub.Finance has grown to $2.5M TVL, $500,000 marketcap, and over $500,000 in 24hr trade volume.

PUB.Finance’s current TVL and Marketcap

The organic growth in the network over the past few days has been exciting to watch, and is further confirmation of the fair-launch route we took.

Now that we’ve covered where we’re coming from, let’s talk about where Pub.Finance is going.

Pub.Finance VIP Lounge

As mentioned earlier, we didn’t launch Pub.Finance to make money from you–we launched Pub.Finance to build something with you. In that spirit, we are excited to announce the opening of the Pub VIP Lounge. Anybody is welcome in the Pub, but the VIP lounge is reserved for those patrons who want to turn Pub.Finance into their regular drinking hole, and have the skin in the game to prove it.

Entrance into the VIP Lounge is limited to those who hold 5,500 PUB in their wallet. The VIP Lounge is for those who want to build. If you want to take an active role in Pub’s future, guiding its direction, future usecases, and even tokenomics, this is the place for you.

To join the VIP Lounge, click here while having 5,500 PUB (unstaked) in your wallet, and follow the Collabbot prompts.

The development team has some ideas for Pub.Finance’s future that we are eager to share with the community, but ultimately the decision will be yours.

Looking Forward

The team has exciting things in development for Pub.Finance. We are currently working on spelling out each of these developments in our Community Roadmap, which is targeted to be released this Thursday, October 1st. Or as soon as we get our graphic designer to put down his pint.

Due to Pub’s “Grand Opening,” seats at the bar are currently in abundance. But that’s about to change–after all, nobody likes a crowded pub… Soon™

Bottoms up everybody, see you at the bar. –Guillie.




Written by Pub.Finance

A crashgame website where the owners are the holders of PINT tokens! Our flagship product, WenRug launches Q4 2021.

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